Here’s what you really need to know and understand before we get started:
I’m a geek. No, really. I have action figures at my desk, and movie posters on my walls, and 11 free-standing bookcases filled with books and there is really no sign of that changing any time soon. Nor would I want it to.
I’ve been online since 1992, and whatever I am passionate about inspires me to create. I love fiction in all its forms, and voraciously consume stories wherever I can find them. I love television and films and comic books and novels and music and cooking and music and chocolate and tea. Really good chocolate and tea.
I love my family, and I love my friends, and I love meeting new people, and I love walking everywhere and I love dancing and I love writing and I really love graphic design.
I’ve been a calendar girl, a founder of an airline, a secretary, and a supermarket checker. I’ve lived in Europe (and Albuquerque) and travelled the world over, and couldn’t possibly leave Chicago because it’s my heart’s home. (Never mind the weather.)
I am happiest in front of my computer, making something out of nothing, forgetting for days on end to look up or eat or sleep because I’m on a roll and don’t want to jinx it. I adore conventions and sitting up in a hotel bar until last call, and then sitting up until what-time-do-you-call-this-then just talking about everything under the sun. I love introducing people, especially if they get on.
So, that’s me. Hope it helps a little.